How whiteboards can help you at home

July 16, 2024
How whiteboards can help you at home
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Whiteboards are very adaptable and versatile tools within everyday life.

And the number of uses within the home is quite substantial. They are a great way to create a more collaborative and organised household. Particularly within larger families, where everyone’s schedules are full of different appointments, meetings, clubs and social events. The busier a household, the more important it is to have an effective way of organising the information.

So, if you don’t have a whiteboards  in your home, we are about to tell you how they might just be the best way to help you organise your life! 

Let's take a look:

Create a family weekly schedule

If each child has a different club with different pick-up times and locations, or parents have different hobbies, activities and meetings; a weekly schedule is a great way to stay on top of things. You can easily see where they may be clashes or where people need to be so you’re not always chasing your tail. In addition, it can get a great place to add reminders such as parcels being delivered or trades people coming to visit.

If everyone can see the schedule then everyone is on the same page!

Don’t let household chores get forgotten

When life gets hectic, household chores tend to get forgotten about. Creating a chore chart for everyone to follow is a great way to stay on top of things. List out everyone’s names and their expected chores for each day (or week, depending on your preference). And get everyone involved. You can easily keep track of what has been done and what still needs doing – and creates a sense of accountability for every family member. Whether you choose a list style or a grid option, it is a great way to display what needs doing and when.

It can be hard to know what to cook every day

With hectic lifestyles, sometimes it can be hard to know what to cook every day. And it can be made more difficult when children decide they want something different to what is on offer. By creating a dinner menu that is easy to maintain you take some of the drama out of choosing what to cook each night. Everyone can get involved in the choosing process too!

And it makes shopping easier and arguable cheaper, by buying only the ingredients you need for each week.

Small whiteboards are perfect for shopping lists

Tying in with the weekly dinner menu, mini whiteboards are a great tool for writing your shopping lists on. Simply add on items when they are running low in the cupboard or if you need new ingredients for a certain dish. Then simply take a picture of it when you are heading to the shops and voila(!) you have your very own shopping list at the ready.

Plan holidays with to do lists and itineraries

Similar to some office environments, the right whiteboard can help you to plan in your vacations with the family. It can be a great way to gather information; including your to-do lists and itinerary, what you need to pack (particularly if it’s out of the norm), as well as research into the location or any events that are taking place.

Tickets, booking references and more can be added so everyone is on the same page. And with the use of sticky notes or magnets, you can keep important documents close to hand to.

It’s a great way to keep everything in one place and get everyone excited about the trip too!

Collaborating and brainstorming ideas

Some things are better discussed with a pen and paper. Large whiteboards are a great alternative to this, allowing more space to write everything down with a more collaborative approach. Perhaps you need to list all the pros and cons of a project; the projected costs and timings, or even sketch out the design of something? A large whiteboard is the perfect choice to get all ideas together in one place.

Leave little notes to maintain communication

Sometimes, family members may find themselves passing like ships in the night. Whiteboards are a great way to leave little notes to one another to remind people of appointments and dates. And they are also a great way to leave little inspiring comments or images to make each other smile.

They can also be a great way to write down something for a later date. For example, if you know you have a question for a future event, write it down so you remember to ask when the times comes! It can make your life so much easier!

Choose Presentation Spaces for your next whiteboard

We have a wide range of whiteboards, including large, small, magnetic and glass boards. Manufactured in the UK, our whiteboards are available in the widest range of sizes on the market, and we can also create bespoke sizes for customers! We also have a range of markers, magnets and other accessories to complete the look!

We're sure we can supply what you're looking for.
Call us on 01382 913 913 or email us at with an enquiry, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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